A tutorial from Miss Mommy to prove yet again that anyone can be crafty. Anyone.
How to Make a Halloween Tutu
My girls love dressing up and being girly, both of which can be quite expensive. Interestingly, they also love gifts. Nothing tops a Mommy homemade gift, even if imperfect. They simply don't see the flaws. Bless them for perceiving the love. This week, as I perused my local craft store, I came across tulle that was about $1.49/yd. I chose some pinks, purples, and orange. You choose whatever colors make your girls smile- this doesn't have to be a Halloween themed tutu, by the way.
What You Need
- a couple yards of tulle {the more you have, the fuller you can make it}
- matching {or not} elastic long enough to go around your little one's waist
- scissors
- needle and thread
Step 1: Measure & Sew the Elastic
You can guess, but it's best to pull the elastic around your little one's waist to see how long it needs to be. You want it to be taut, but easy to pull up and down, or else you'll be mad at yourself later. I used well less than a yard.
Step 2: Cut tulle strips.
I bought 5 or 6 yards of tulle, and only used about half for two small tutus. Choose your colors and cut long strips length-wise on the yard.
Step 3: Tie the tulle strips.
This is the time-consuming part. {I suggest a good Jane Austen film in the background.} So, you've got long pieces of tulle. Tie the tulle strips at the halfway point of their own length so that both halves hang down equally.
Do this approximately a million times. Seriously, though, it will take a little while, but the more you tie, the better it will look because it will be fuller.
Happy Halloween!