Yep, another tutorial from Miss Mommy.
How to Make a Fabric Elastic Bookmark
So, I've done an elastic bookmark before, but this time I wanted to show you some of my stocking stuffers for Christmas this year for my beginning readers. They're 5 and 7 and just a special, handmade by Mom bookmark might be just the thing to keep 'em going. I am a simple crafter, and I prefer not to sew. That said, this is a super-easy, super-adaptable tutorial anyone can do for anyone.
What You Need
- a smallish piece of fabric you love
- matching {or not} skinny elastic
- scissors
- small piece of card stock {I used what the elastic was wrapped around}
- glue gun
Step 1: Make Your Card Stock Pattern
I didn't want the fabric to be floppy, so I cut out a card stock pattern that I ended up gluing inside in the next step. So, choose a shape you like, make yourself a pattern [or find something to print out}.
Step 2: Cut Your Fabric.
Use the pattern to cut out two of the same shapes in a fabric you like. If you have nice sharp scissors, you can double up your fabric and cut once.
Step 3: Glue the Fabric.
Basically, you want to glue the fabric to the pattern, while also adhering the elastic band. The fabric will hide the seam, which is awesome.
I'm planning on putting this on a new book for my girl for Christmas. In fact, I decided Mr. Luke needed one, too. It took approximately 2 minutes to make. I think my next iterations might have thick, colorful stitching on the edges- what do you think??